As a further development of this concept, the Citizens Forum has been formed in 2011 and now supersedes the original Unite and Win Project.
This page describes the concept of the original Unite and Win group.

Mr Hubbard presents an analysis and simple strategy that opens the door for all people of good will and all public groups to win the battle for survival against the vested interest groups that pose a clear and present danger to our health and freedom.
In other words
there exists a tool that good people can use to help themselves. We are making sure they know that it exists and encouraging them to use it.
We urge
you to read the article because it speaks for itself and requires no interpretation from us. It presents data of interest to every individual and every public group that cares about their future.
Our purpose
is to forward the simple message of Unite and Win, on every communication line and channel we can, until it is broadly known, understood, agreed upon and acted upon.
We intend
to bring the strategy of Unite and Win to people’s attention as broadly and swiftly as we can, because it is the strategy that will enable them to win the fight for their freedom.
We ask
you to help us promote the Unite and Win idea [and now the Citizens Forum] as broadly and quickly as possible.
add your voice to ours and support our call for unity against oppression.
Each person
who declares his or her support of this idea represents a "vote" in favor of the Unite and Win principle. Your vote is valuable.
So Click "Yes"
to support Unite and Win
who declares his or her support of this idea represents a "vote" in favor of the Unite and Win principle. Your vote is valuable.
your support of the strategy of all public groups coming together in a united front as recommended in the article “Unite and Win” by L Ron Hubbard.
your support of the strategy of all public groups coming together in a united front as recommended in the article “Unite and Win” by L Ron Hubbard.
Your support will help
tremendously to further the cause of brotherhood among all people of good will worldwide, particularly if you play an active role in spreading the message of Unite and Win along whatever appropriate lines of communication are available to you and within the time and resources that you can comfortably manage.
tremendously to further the cause of brotherhood among all people of good will worldwide, particularly if you play an active role in spreading the message of Unite and Win along whatever appropriate lines of communication are available to you and within the time and resources that you can comfortably manage.
It is easy to see
that if each supporter told a mere twenty people about Unite and Win in one month, and of those twenty, five became supporters and those five the following month then promoted Unite and Win to just twenty people, the message would spread across the planet very quickly.
that if each supporter told a mere twenty people about Unite and Win in one month, and of those twenty, five became supporters and those five the following month then promoted Unite and Win to just twenty people, the message would spread across the planet very quickly.
One supporter becomes five;
five supporters become 25; 25 supporters become 125; 125 become 625; 625 become 3,125, become 15,625, become 78,125. In other words just one supporter actively communicating the Unite and Win message to others a few minutes a day for a month could bring about the support of nearly 80,000 people in just 6 months. Imagine then if 1,000 supporters were doing the same thing each and every month!
five supporters become 25; 25 supporters become 125; 125 become 625; 625 become 3,125, become 15,625, become 78,125. In other words just one supporter actively communicating the Unite and Win message to others a few minutes a day for a month could bring about the support of nearly 80,000 people in just 6 months. Imagine then if 1,000 supporters were doing the same thing each and every month!
Your support is important
because the larger the number of people who can be seen to agree with and support the Unite and Win idea, the more easily the message will impinge and the more readily others will see the workability of it and be encouraged to support it.
because the larger the number of people who can be seen to agree with and support the Unite and Win idea, the more easily the message will impinge and the more readily others will see the workability of it and be encouraged to support it.
the more supporters we have who are actively promoting the idea to their friends and contacts, the more swiftly it will spread.
It was easy
for one man working a few hours a week in his spare time and utilizing his personal contacts, Facebook and so forth to bring our numbers from zero to 100 people in less than a month – and people from over twenty countries and states across the planet too!
for one man working a few hours a week in his spare time and utilizing his personal contacts, Facebook and so forth to bring our numbers from zero to 100 people in less than a month – and people from over twenty countries and states across the planet too!
Imagine then
if there were a thousand of us doing the same thing each and every month.
if there were a thousand of us doing the same thing each and every month.
Unite and Win is for all people of good will
Our numbers already include Moslems, Christians, Scientologists, Agnostics and people of diverse beliefs. Yet we are all friends and allies in a common cause against a common foe: those who would deny us the right to formulate, hold and communicate those beliefs.
Our numbers also embrace
people whose personal interests lie in the field of human rights, safeguarding religions, defending democracy, making government honest, getting at the truth of 9/11, bettering the health of children, monetary reform, opposing psychiatric fraud, health and nutrition, alternative medicine, literacy, social reform and so forth.
And when we say “Unite” we mean “Unite!”
Unite and Win is already supported by people from the following States and Countries: France, England, Scotland, Oregon, Tennessee, Iowa, Pakistan, Illinois, Uganda, India, Germany, Georgia, Austria, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, California, Texas, New York State, Israel, Italy, Iowa, Haiti, Russia, Indiana, Holland, Florida, New Jersey, Colombia, Washington, Oklahoma, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, South Africa, Ghana and TaiwanEvery supporter is entitled
to submit a link and have it placed on this web page for free so if you support our endeavor, send us your link and we will publish it for you.
Every Supporter Now Receives
a free book. The author, Alan Holman, has very kindly agreed to make available a FREE PDF copy of his excellent, eye-opening cancer book "Asclepius' Staff." Did you know there are some 300 workable cures for cancer, knowledge of which is suppressed by the pharmaceutical-dominated cancer industry? You can also buy a paperback version of his book (see "Supporters" in the left side bar).
So Click "Yes"
to support Unite and Win
Note: The Citizens Forum now replaces the original Unite and Win Group. Details about the Citizens Forum and its rules are here.
Please participate in the Forum by posting your comments
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